property right, private property right, sport, sports law, sports competitionAbstract
The field of sports is not only a platform for athletes to demonstrate their skills and abilities, but also a complex mechanism where property rights are regulated, among other things. The intersection of sport and law leads to many controversial issues, one of which is property rights in the world of sport. This article analyses property rights in sports, in particular, the legal regulation of ownership of sports infrastructure and the issue of restoring sports infrastructure through public-private partnerships. The purpose of the article is to clarify the key problematic issues of legal regulation of property rights in sports, offering an understanding of the challenges faced by athletes, sports organisations, the State and investors who want to participate in the restoration of sports infrastructure. It is concluded that the ever-changing landscape of sports property rights is a fascinating and complex topic, raising questions about who has the right to control, profit from and make decisions about various sports infrastructure assets. The study examines the problematic issues of property rights in sports. It is concluded that the most pressing issue of legal regulation of property rights in the field of sports is the adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of the European Union, since the study of sports relations, which by their legal character are international in scope, is of an urgent importance.
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