sports law, physical culture and sports, legal influence of the European Union on activities in the field of physical culture and sports.Abstract
In this article, the author argued the position that as a result of legal globalization, the most active promoters of which on the European continent are the Council of Europe and the European Union, the attitude towards one of the important principles of the sports movement – autonomy and self-regulation – has gradually changed. In this article, the author argues that as a result of the creation of the European Union, the limits of public legal intervention in the autonomous institutions of public life – religion, family, sports – have changed. In this article, the author examined the historical stages, patterns, tools and trends of legal regulation by the European Union of activities in the field of physical culture and sports. In this article, the author gives examples of the EU using various “soft law” instruments to form the boundaries of the autonomy of the modern European sports movement and freedom of activity in the field of physical culture and sports. In this article, the author proved that the European Union is gradually increasing its presence in the legal field of physical culture and sports, shifting its legal influence from ensuring the freedoms of the Single European Market to the inclusivity of physical culture and sports, combating discrimination in sports, preventing the use of doping in sports, ensuring security during sports competitions, etc. In connection with Ukraine receiving the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union on June 23, 2022, in this article the author pointed out the need for a systematic study of the role of the European Union in the legal regulation of activities in the field of physical culture and sports. In this article, the author reflects on the potential of the rules of sports law of the European Union for regulating legal relations related to activities in the field of physical culture and sports, public management of physical culture and sports, operation of sports infrastructure, principles of providing physical culture and sports services in Ukraine in the context of European integration. In this article, the author analyzed the forms of influence of European Union law on legal relations related to physical culture and sports activities in Ukraine. In this article, the author pointed out the obstacles to the transposition of the norms of European Union law into Ukrainian legislation on physical culture and sports.
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