


e-sports, players, game readiness, model, structure, gamer.


The training of esportsmen in higher education institutions is becoming more and more professional: many educational institutions train specialists in various IT specialties. The state and peculiarities of technical and tactical training of esportsmen in higher education institutions, determination of its structure and significance in the esports environment are investigated. They may vary depending on the specific educational institution, but the main aspects include the programs discussed in the paper. These include specialized programs for teaching subjects; programs for training and practice; programs for specialists and coaches; programs for academic support; participation in tournaments; and programs for teamwork and leadership. The challenges of training esportsmen in higher education institutions include: no clear standards and regulations for the training of esportsmen, including in higher education institutions; lack of a sufficient number of qualified coaches and esports specialists who could provide students with proper support and training. It has been found that in esports, psychological and mental abilities play an important role in the competitive success and development of players. The theoretical, physical, technical, tactical, psychological and integrative types of training of esportsmen are considered, each of which has specifics due to the nature of interaction. It is emphasized that the peculiarities of training esportsmen in higher education institutions should be mandatory if one wants to achieve high results but may vary depending on the specific educational institution. Nevertheless, they include specific programs that are mentioned in the paper. The authors prove that the peculiarities of training esportsmen in higher education institutions may change over time, as esports is rapidly developing and changing. However, in general, the main goal is to combine esports skills with academic education so that students receive both professional and educational training.


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How to Cite

Барсукова, Т. О., Василенко, М. Д., Слатвінська, В. М., & Чертов, І. І. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF TRAINING ESPORTSMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Lex Sportiva, (1), 6–11.


