sport, physical culture, employment contract, contract, legal regulation of sportsmen’s workAbstract
Physical culture and sports play an important role in state policy. Ukraine defined this direction in Article 4 of the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” as a priority of humanitarian policy and an important factor in the comprehensive development of the individual and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. It is clear that the involvement of the population in physical culture and sports, as well as the success of professional athletes in international competitions, is indisputable evidence of the vitality and spiritual strength of any nation, and contributes to the creation of a positive image of the state on the international arena. Therefore, state support for physical culture and sports is one of the important directions of the socio-economic policy of our country. Involving our citizens in sports, increasing the number of people interested in taking part in competitions, forming sports schools, and developing professional sports is possible only with the creation of an effective regulatory and legal framework. In such a situation, theoretical studies conducted to improve the legal regulation of social relations, including those arising in various spheres of physical culture and sports, become relevant. Research in the field of sportsmen’s labour activity allows us to conclude an attempt to consider the field of physical culture and sports through the prism of legal regulation, in particular, to summarize, systematize and comment on the legislation that regulates labour relations in the field of sports. The article reveals the specifics of the sports contract (contract), its legal nature, and its essence. It is emphasized that labour relations in sports, despite their importance, are not sufficiently regulated. Effective regulation should begin with the legal regulation of basic terms and proper legal regulation of social relations that arise in this area, including labour relations with professional athletes.
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