



sports, athlete, sports events, rights of athletes, protection of rights, countryside, village and settlement councils


The article analyzes the current legislation and the practical state of issues related to ensuring the rights of athletes living in rural areas. It is settled that the number of sports events held in villages is significantly limited compared to sports events held in cities. Attention is paid to the responsibilities and tasks assigned to the executive bodies of the village, settlement councils, enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the agro-industrial sector located in rural areas, given the constant lack of funds in the rural, urban budget, even to solve the most pressing social problems is not easy, and sometimes impossible. However, promoting a healthy lifestyle, involving rural communities, including children and youth, in physical education and sports, meaningful leisure is extremely important, it is an effective way to distract the younger generation from the unwanted effects of the street, excessive attachment to computers and use his physical activity for the benefit of the community. It was concluded that it is necessary to take the following measures: to ensure control over the implementation of the State target programs for the development of Ukrainian villages, including in areas related to the development of physical culture and sports; when developing and approving the State Budget of Ukraine to provide budget funds for rural areas in the areas specified in the Law of Ukraine “On the priority of social development of rural areas and agro-industrial complex in the national economy” and in terms of compliance with minimum funding for rural development; giving the village an advantage over the city in the construction of the necessary facilities (including sports facilities), and ensuring in accordance with scientifically sound standards of quality of sports and other services in the countryside; consider the feasibility of introducing preferential taxation for newly established enterprises in rural areas in the case of providing socially necessary services or providing infrastructure for these areas; consider the feasibility of introducing long-term interest-free lending for housing construction for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports working in rural areas; to provide assistance in the implementation of regional and local strategies and programs for the development of non-agricultural economic activities based on the available resource potential and services of specific rural areas.


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How to Cite

Харитонова, Т. Є. (2022). ENSURING THE RIGHTS OF ATHLETES LIVING IN RURAL AREAS. Lex Sportiva, (2), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.32782/lexsportiva/2021.2.7


